Birth Story Medicine®

“After my first birth, I was left feeling like my body failed me. I felt broken. Questions constantly ran through my mind about what happened.

I wondered why my birth had ended up the way it did, what I had done wrong, or if I or anyone else was to blame. I struggled to find anyone who really ‘got’ the tangled mess of complex emotions that I was experiencing.

Although I found a few different things helpful on my healing journey, I never felt truly heard or understood why I felt the way I did until I found Birth Story Medicine.

Once I became a childbirth educator I saw the range of emotions women could feel after giving birth-from feeling let down, disappointed, wishing things had been different, to utterly devastated and traumatised.

From my personal and professional experience, I knew working with people who feel this way after giving birth was what I was called to do”.

Are you feeling disappointed, upset, angry or let down around a birth you have experienced? Maybe you just feel unresolved or feel stuck?

Is your upset with something that happened during pregnancy or even after the birth? Maybe you have a miscarriage or pregnancy loss story you need help processing?

Feeling this way may have really taken you by surprise. It could be just one aspect of the event that’s upsetting-sometimes there is a dark cloud over the entire birth.

Perhaps you have shared your birth story many times (or not at all), yet are still feeling like you weren’t truly understood, heard or resolved about it?

Were your expectations about birth, others or your own body shattered in some way?

Sometimes despite your best efforts, hoping and planning for your birth to be a certain way, you now find yourself feeling let down, unprepared or even a sense of loss. Your birth experience can greatly influence your emotional well being, effect your relationships, how you parent, and can be taken into every other aspect of your life- in fact it can’t be separated. Resolving how you feel about this can bring a great sense of relief and send a ripple of healing into the rest of your life.

I’m here to support you, to listen, to help you explore your story in a new way.

I’ve worked with around 500 couples through birth preparation as well as supporting couples during birth. I trained as a Birth Story Healer in 2013 and was part of the first Advanced Birth Story Medicine group in 2016.

Birth Story Medicine goes much deeper than simply debriefing, it aims to get to the heart of the upset, not just focusing on medical facts and figures and ‘making sense’ of things. In 2017 I became a Birth Story Listening Facilitator under the guidance of Pam England, creative director of Birthing From Within, author of Birthing From Within, Labyrinth of Birth and Ancient Map for Modern Birth.

I am also a writer on birth and birth trauma related topics. You can find my articles here:

Birth Story sessions are a safe space just for you, where you can have your birth journey heard and can provide a space to reflect, re-frame, start to heal, and see a difficult experience in a new light.

(Note *Birth Story Sessions are not a substitute for counselling or therapy in any way).

Are you ready to find new meaning in your story and feel lighter about your birth?


Sessions available in person in Shepparton (Vic) or Via Skype/Zoom. The fee is $120 for an hour session.

To book a session click here: Birth Story Medicine Bookings

Hear what clients who have experienced Birth Story Medicine are saying:

FAQ About Birth Story Healing Sessions

My birth was quite normal, yet I still feel upset by it. Can I attend?
Yes of course. It doesn’t matter what kind of birth you experienced (or witnessed). Sometimes on paper your birth may sound great and others might even seem to wonder why you’re upset by it, regardless of this, it’s about how you FEEL about it not what happened during or after your birth.

My birth was years ago. Are these sessions for women who have recently given birth?
You can attend no matter how long after your birth occurred. As long as you feel upset or unresolved in some way, then you can still gain new insights and benefits for yourself.

Do I have to tell my whole birth story? I’m worried I might get upset.
Birth story sessions are a really unique way to work through your story and this doesn’t involve telling your story in its entirety or having to re-live all of the feelings at all. The sessions are designed to be a safe space so that you are able to express whatever you need to in order to begin to heal.

Can I bring my baby or child with me?
The Birth Story Sessions require your full attention and are a space for you to take time out to transform your birth story, so children are not able to attend. If you have a private session with a newborn it may be okay if your baby is likely to be sleeping or feeding during the session, but if baby is unsettled your session may need to be re-scheduled.

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